Binyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.. Binyuan Abrasives

2018-09-11  来自: 晋江斌源机械有限公司 浏览次数:738

Binyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.. Binyuan Abrasives

*The machine incorporates pneumatic opening and closing for reduced

operator fatigue as well as positive pressure for accurate buffing.A

allows for easier feeding and minimiee ckin damage The safety stop is

independent of the electrical drive or pneumatic system to give improved

safety to the operator.

*The principle of this machine is by using the conveyer to carry the

product into it and through 3 set 0.1-m/m wind ports for performing

cleaning prtpose by removing leather dust with the blower and the dust

collecting box.The operating speed is freely adjustable with a stepless

control.The output of the blower is 500M3/Hr.and after passing through

the dust collecting box,the output shall be 80M3/m.

*Work sidth:Leather sidth from 1000mm to 3000mm.

Address: No. 192-2 West Road, Bingcun, Anhai Town, Jinjiang City, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province

Company: Jinjiang Binyuan Machinery Co. Ltd..

Contact: Shenxiansheng0595-82095659

关键词: Bin source mill         Bin Yuen Machinery Co. Ltd..  



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